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Oreste Lionello
Oreste Lionello (Rodi, Aprile 18th, 1927) is an Italian actor, stand-up comedian and dubber. Lionello started his artistic career as a player. He is considered one of the fathers of Italian cabaret, where he became popular already in the second postwar period. In 1954 he reached television with a TV show for children: "Marziano Filippo". He dubbed Charlie Chaplin in "The Great Dictator", in 1940, Mr. Deltoid in "A Clockwork Orange" and Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins and, most of all, Woody Allen. With "Bagaglino" Company, he has appeared in stage shows and TV movies.  
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La Passione Secondo Matteo Matteo Salvatore
La Passione Secondo Matteo
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