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 Laboratorio Cecilia Elettrica
Laboratorio Cecilia Elettrica
A project by the musicians Massimo Zuccaroli and Felice Severa, already well known as Maximus and Felix who, behind this name,
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Abbe Lane
Abbe Lane
Abbe Lane (born December 14, 1932) is an American singer and actress. Born Abigail Francine Lassman to a Jewish family in Brooklyn,
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Gino Latilla
Gino Latilla
Gennaro "Gino" Latilla (Bari, November 7th, 1924) is an Italian singer. He took part to Festival di Sanremo in 1952 with three
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Alberto Laurenti
Alberto Laurenti
Alberto Laurenti is musical author of three different recording projects: Rumba de Mar (band specialized in parties, events and clubs organization),
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Ken Lavendell
Ken Lavendell
Ken Lavendell is responsible for more than 80.000 recorded treatments using several disciplines. In 1977 he became a Dr of Naprapathy of
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 LCE - Le Confort Electronique
LCE - Le Confort Electronique
LCE [Le Confort Electronique] is the more experimental project of the artist and producer Marco Ricci. After two albums released as Urban
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Oreste Lionello
Oreste Lionello
Oreste Lionello (Rodi, Aprile 18th, 1927) is an Italian actor, stand-up comedian and dubber. Lionello started his artistic career as a player. He
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Carlo Loffredo
Carlo Loffredo
Carlo Loffredo is considered the father of Italian jazz musicians. His father's family was from the Molise (Castellino del Biferno, province
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Corrado Lojacono
Corrado Lojacono
Corrado Lojacono (Palermo, January 22nd, 1924) is an Italian singer and composer, particularly famous in the 50's and 60's. Among his hits
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 Los Tres Amigos
Los Tres Amigos
A brand by Micioni brothers for a set of very personal and interesting remixes of the renowned Macarena.
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 Lost Child
Lost Child
A duo of young and inspired composers from Trento (Northern Italy), Marco Ricci and Nicola Taiss. They both love electronic music,
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Gary Low
Gary Low
The artistic career of Gary Low started by chance at the beginning of the 80s when in Italy many English-speaking vocalists
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Jenny Luna
Jenny Luna
Jenny Luna is an alias of Clotilde Frigeri. She is an italian pop music singer of '50s and '60s. Her career
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Lelio Luttazzi
Lelio Luttazzi
Lelio Luttazzi has been also an orchestra director, an actor and an Italian Television showman. He was born of Sidoria Semani (teacher
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