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Giovanni Costantini
He was born in Corigliano D’Otranto (LE) in 1965. He studied piano under Vittoria De Donno and electronic music with Giorgio Nottoli. At the same time he graduated in Electronic Engineering at University “La Sapienza” in Rome and got the qualification of Doctor of Research at University “Tor Vergata” in Rome with a thesis entitled “Sistemi ed algoritmi per l’analisi, la sintesi, l’elaborazione, la spazializzazione e il riconoscimento del segnale musicale”. Since 1995 he has attended to the research in the field of electronic music. In particular, he took care of the design of interfaces and experimental systems for synthesis and sound electronic processing, like SAIPH system, realized, in collaboration with Giorgio Nottoli, at "Circuiti" lab of University "Tor Vergata". At the same University he is a teacher, since 2001, of Sound Electronic Processing courses for the Faculties of Engineering, Science and Letters (DAMS) and takes care every year, since 1996, of the organization of the seminar “Tecnologia elettronica fra suono e musica”. He is the person coordinating and teacher of the courses of Acoustics and Psychoacoustics and of Musical Informatics at the Conservatory “S. Cecilia” in Rome. Scientific works of his own were published on international reviews and presented in several congresses. He made various partecipations in concerts as an acoustoelectronic music composer.  
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