He studied piano with Maria Luisa Gloriani, Jazz under Nino De Rose, Composition under Piero Niro, Francesco Telli, Antonio Di Pofi and Azio Corghi and Electronic Music with Riccardo Bianchini and Giorgio Nottoli.
He followed, at Accademia Chigiana in Siena, the specialization courses in Composition (with F. Donatoni), Score (with E. Morricone), Informatics Lab (with W. Prati and M. Malt) and Electronic Music (with G. Nottoli and R. Santoboni) getting his diploma of merit by E. Morricone and F. Donatoni, two scholarships for students, three S.I.A.E. scholarships and a special scholarship dedicated to Zaverio Boccardi. He attended, besides, specialization courses in Composition given in Città di Castello by Salvatore Sciarrino and in S. Marino by Alessandro Solbiati, and seminars of Contemporary Music given in Modena by F. Donatoni and A. Vidolin.
He gained experience in recording at R.A.I. branch in Rome and in performing making theatrical shows at "Goldoni" theater in Venice.
His pieces were performed in Contemporary Music Festivals in Italy and abroad and broadcasted by RADIOTRE.
Since some years he has put beside the work as a composer the one as a researcher, improving tools for electronic processing in real-time.