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Alessandro Cipriani
He was born in Tivoli (Roma) in 1959. Graduated in Composition (G. Bizzi) and in Electronic Music (R. Bianchini) at the Conservatory in Rome, he improved his studies with Barry Truax. Cipriani published CDs with Edipan, International Computer Music Conference ‘95 and ‘99, CNI, and two pieces in 5.1 surround for Computer Music Journal 2003's DVD and for Everglade Records (USA). He published (with R.Bianchini) “Il Suono Virtuale”, the only complete text on sound synthesis and processing in Italian language, translated in English, too, of which is coming out a version for Max-MSP. His works were executed in the best electronic music festivals in Europe, U.S.A., Canada, Asia and Latin America. He is the holder of the chair of Electronic Music at the Conservatory in Frosinone. He is member of the Organised Sound's Editorial Board (Cambridge University Press) and founding member of the Edison Studio (Rome).  
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Elettronica Italiana Vol. 2 VV. AA.
Elettronica Italiana Vol. 2
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