After a period as a piano player he dedicated first to acoustic music composition and then to electronic music showing an increasing interest for this particular field. So he followed on one side the composition courses by G. Manzoni at School of Music in Fiesole, by A. Solbiati and A. Guarnirei at Civica Scuola di Musica (Milan), by A. Corghi at Accademia Chigiana in Siena; on the other side the electronic music courses by R. Doati, F. Calante and A. Di Scipio. Some of his works were performed in the U.S.A. - in New York (New York Universíty F. Loewe Theater and at Sarab Lawrenee College, Bronxville), in Bourges (at “34th International Festival of Electronic music and Sonic art”), in Santiago (at “Santìago’s 4th Annual Electroacoustic Music Festival” at the Centro Cultural de Espana), in Beijing (at the Center of Electro-acoustic Music of China [CEMC’] within the ambit of the Concerts C.I.M.E. - festìval MUSICACOUSTICA 2005 Mix), in Hueiva (Seville) within the ambit of the International Contest “Confluencias”, as well as in Italian cities like Turin (Goethe Institut - ensemble ANTIDOGMA), Rome (CRM), L’Aquìla (La terra Fertile), Palermo (C.I.M.S.), Cagliari (Spazio Musica), Siena (Accademia Chigiana), Mantova (Palazzo Ducale, “Estate a Palazzo Ducale"), Bolzano (Conservatorio “C. Monteverdi”), Latìna (Conservatorìo O. Respighi), Padua (Teatro, Maddalene, within the ambit of Computer Art Festival 2005), Caserta (International Congress “Capire e Creare la Musica’” - Seconda Unìversità deglì Studi di Napoli - Dipartimento d Matematica), at the alpine refuge “Padova” in Cadore, at last infine in Naples, at the University Federico Il
(departement of History of Music), at the Music Conservatory S. Pietro a Majella, for some concerts realized in cooperation with the University “Orientale” and in exhibitions like “Dissonanze” and “Eclettica”. In several occasions he also took care of the sound direction of other composers' works. The works “Hemiolia” and “ltem”, were the finalists in national composition contests: Castello di Belveglio [AT], 1997 the first one, and Evangelisti Prize 2005 - the second one. “Traceless Steps” won a special mention at the contest “Progetto Giovani Compositori” - Fondazìone. G. Cantelli. In 2004 the work “Field” won the first prize at the International Contest for Acoustoelectronic Miniatures in Seville “CONFlUENCIAS - Arte y Tcnologia al Borde del Milennio” and, also in 2004, it was selected by CEMAT Federation to be published in the first CD of the acoustoelectronic works series entitled “Punti di Ascolto”.
He publishes for the publishing house TAU-KAY of Udine. He is full professor of Composition at the Music Conservatory in Palermo.