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Luciano Rispoli
Luciano Rispoli (Reggio Calabria, 1932-07-02) is a journalist, tv and radio anchorman,writer and ex RAI manager. Rispoli work in RAI in the 1954, thanks to a radio contest, and he starts a good career also on TV. Next he became an assistand of Rai director Emmanuele Milano . On radio he was part of the "Radiosquadre", leds the "Buttafuori" and on Tv he tooks to creation of "Bandiera Gialla", "Chiamate Roma 3131" and "La Corrida". He smelt Maurizio Costanzo, Raffaella Carrą and Paolo Villaggio. He led "Impara l'arte" and "Il signor Bonalettura"(radio) and "Pomeridiana", "Il gioco dei mestieri", "Intervista con la scienza", "Pranzo in tv", "La grande corsa", "Una grande occasione", "Parola mia". From 1977 and 1987 he directed the "DSE - School and Education department" now "Rai Educational". In the 1990 he went out from Rai and on "Telemontecarlo" he led "La pił bella sei tu", "Ho fatto 13!!!", "Tappeto Volante". "Tappeto Volante" is a long lasting Tv format, that nett was trasmitted by Odeon, Rai Sat, Canale Italia and nowday on Sky can. 883.  
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My Wonderful Nicola Nicola Arigliano
My Wonderful Nicola
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