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VIA ASIAGO 10 is a new label created by the independent company Twilight Music together with Audioteca Radio... [more details]
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Nino Rota
Nino Rota
29-Aprile 2009 Biblioteca del Burcardo a Roma La Siae per Nino Rota, grande musicista, nobile persona Giornata dedicata all'omaggio di Nino Rota Hanno partecipato per Twilight Music: Massimo Zuccaroli, Pietro Micioni, e per Radioscrigno radio Rai Dario Salvatori, Stefano Pogelli e Massimo Forleo (Nella foto da sinistra Massimo Zuccaroli, Lina Wertmuller, Pietro Micioni) La pubblicazione dell'opera radiofonica I DUE TIMIDI cd N.
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Colpi di Luna
“Sprinkle my ashes on the moon”. This was Michael Jackson’s wish. An understandable wish for the creator of the “moonwalk”, his dance-step copied to no avail, and complicated. Islam does not allow cremation and in any case getting his spoils to the surface of the moon would have been decidedly arduous, above all for someone who has left 500 million dollars worth
Colpi di Luna
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78 Giri
  A little history learning: the radio fruition
78 Giri 78 giri is a new initiative edited by Twilight Music and realized thanks to the contribution of two great Italian archives, Discoteca di Stato - Museo dell'Audiovisivo and Audioteca Radio
A little history learning: the radio fruition Earlier with Uri and, since 1927 with Eiar, in Italy there is the first true public monopoly strongly based on the social role of what the Regime, even with
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La Coppa del Jazz Various Artists
La Coppa del Jazz
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La Mafia e lo Stato Various Artists
La Mafia e lo Stato
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La Passione Secondo Matteo Matteo Salvatore
La Passione Secondo Matteo
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La Radio di Aldo Fabrizi Aldo Fabrizi
La Radio di Aldo Fabrizi
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Radio Show Domenico Modugno
Radio Show
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Satchmo Live in Florence '52 Louis Armstrong
Satchmo Live in Florence '52
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Artistry in Rai Lelio Luttazzi
Artistry in Rai
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La Radio di Alberto Sordi Alberto Sordi
La Radio di Alberto Sordi
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Rive Gauche on Radio
Rive Gauche on Radio
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Cari Amici Vicini e Lontani VV. AA.
Cari Amici Vicini e Lontani
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The Smile of Swing Gorni Kramer
The Smile of Swing
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Big Band Concerto and other tales Enrico Simonetti
Big Band Concerto and other ...
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Il Cofanetto di Via Asiago, 10 VV. AA.
Il Cofanetto di Via Asiago, 10
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Fratelli d'Italia Artisti Vari
Fratelli d'Italia
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Sanremo 1955 VV. AA.
Sanremo 1955
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Sound and Silence Nunzio Rotondo
Sound and Silence
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Ritmando con la 013 Piero Piccioni
Ritmando con la 013
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Volare - nel blu dipinto di blu Domenico Modugno
Volare - nel blu dipinto di ...
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Via Veneto '60 VV. AA.
Via Veneto '60
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I Due Timidi Nino Rota
I Due Timidi
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Colpi di Luna Various Artists
Colpi di Luna
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Tribute to Ellington Bruno Canfora
Tribute to Ellington
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My Wonderful Nicola Nicola Arigliano
My Wonderful Nicola
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Francis Poulenc, Pierre Fournier Francis Poulenc, Pierre ...
Francis Poulenc, Pierre ...
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The Voice in Via Asiago Frank Sinatra
The Voice in Via Asiago
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The Legend Nunzio Rotondo
The Legend
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Sassofoni e vecchie trombette Quartetto Cetra
Sassofoni e vecchie trombette
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La Signora Valeri Franca Valeri
La Signora Valeri
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Nati Per La Musica VV. AA.
Nati Per La Musica
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